Stepping Out From The Dark: An Anglo-Saxon Settlement At Eye Kettleby

Stepping Out From The Dark: An Anglo-Saxon Settlement At Eye Kettleby

Date: Thu, 4th Jul 2024 14:30 - 16:00

Venue: Melton Carnegie Museum

The collapse of Roman rule in Britain in the early 5th century was followed by a time of significant social, political and economic change. It was a key part in our history but the near absence of written records, and often poorly surviving archaeological evidence for 'early Anglo-Saxon England' (5th to mid-7th C) has meant that our knowledge of this important period has always been hindered. Excavations at Eye Kettleby have changed this by uncovering what is still the largest Saxon settlement excavated in the county. In this talk, Dr Gavin Speed delves deeply into what life may have been like for the inhabitants of early Anglo-Saxon Eye Kettleby. He also frames the importance of the excavation by reviewing the development of our knowledge and understanding of Anglo-Saxon Leicestershire, highlighting the important contribution the discoveries have made, shedding some light on a dimly lit period of our past.

Talk begins at 2.30pm

Pre-booking is essential. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Tags: Special, Talks