The Rutland Mosaic by Jim Irvine - the Amateur Archaeologist who unearthed the Rutland Mosaic

The Rutland Mosaic by Jim Irvine - the Amateur Archaeologist who unearthed the Rutland Mosaic

The Rutland Mosaic by Jim Irvine - the Amateur Archaeologist who unearthed the Rutland Mosaic

The Rutland Mosaic by Jim Irvine - the Amateur Archaeologist who unearthed the Rutland Mosaic

Date: Thu, 20th Mar 2025 19:00 - 20:30

Venue: Melton Carnegie Museum

Jim will be talking about the events that led up to the discovery, the research done before putting a spade into the ground, as well as Jim's experience of working with the professional archaeologists.

Jim will also look in some detail at the mosaic and it's context in the wider site.

Doors open at 6.00pm and the talk starts at 7.00pm.

It's £4 per person that can be paid on the door.

Pre-booking is essential. Please book by calling the museum on 0116 305 3860, or emailing us on or by popping into the museum.

Tags: Talks